
photo cred @ Kristen Haggard kpenderphotos.com

photo cred @ Kristen Haggard kpenderphotos.com



I’m Erica & I LOVE entertaining. Bringing people together is my most favorite pastime. I don’t even care how. Whether it’s with laughter, or with food, or with drinks, or with a story, or a night out, I want YOU to have the BEST time. Over the years, I’ve amassed so many tricks, recipes, gadgets, and secrets to share with you. I’m NOT a domestic goddess. I’m NOT Martha Stewart. Think of me more like a low-class, redneck Ina Garten who loves to tell jokes. So, proceed with caution, y’all.

A southern girl born & raised, I live just outside Atlanta, GA with my husband, Rick, who is incredibly regimented and organized, our 2 kids, Bella and Roman, who are full of life and love and sobering honesty, and our chihuahua pup, Steven Tyler who follows me around all the time like, well, a puppy dog.

photo cred goes, once again, to the oh so talented Kristen Haggard of Kpenderphotos.com

With a family to raise, a career to build, and a shat-ton of daily obligations, I often fall short of the standards set by all of the outwardly perfect Southern domestic goddesses who have come before me. Beds are never made, kids are constantly fishing clean underwear out of laundry baskets, and if you drop in without texting first (notice I didn’t say “calling”), you might run in horror from the chaos and general failures of my ability to put into practice anything I was exposed to during that time I took Home Economics in high school.

Most of the time I feel like I can’t keep up. Like the crushing demands from work, family, and life need more from me than I have to give. Maybe you can relate? But I’ve learned that rather than focusing on my shortcomings, life is so much better when I focus on things I’m better at than everyone else... like making cinnamon toast from scratch, giving people awesome nicknames...

Here’s the full list of things I AM good at: making my kids laugh, impressing my husband with my debate skills, inspiring others to “LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE, ALREADY!”, reviewing online purchases, and riding my unicorn through Target without losing my crown… all very important skills to have. I look forward to sharing my life with you. And more importantly, I look forward to getting to know you!

So leave some comments behind. Find me on social media. Come out to a show. Hell, I’ll host a show just for you and your friends! Let’s build a community of positivity through sarcasm and honesty. And humor. Don’t forget the humor. And maybe some glitter.